Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Returning to Estella and Miss Havisham, Pip stumbles upon a fight between the two. Miss Havisham accuses Estella of being ungrateful, and uncaring, something Estella blames on the way she was raised. With the two going back and forth, Miss Havisham begins to eventually see what she has done, what she has created and its effect on Pip and others. Raising Estella to be a pure method of enacting revenge upon the male-kind, the vicious fight has started to plant the seeds of doubt which never truly go away.

A turning point in Pip’s life, as he begins to realize that everything he values in his new life as a gentleman might be false. Previously believing that Miss Havisham intended Estella to be wed to Pip, he now realizes that Estella has no heart for anyone, even himself.

This point marks the beginning of the end of Pip’s perfect life. Everything he has believed in for a majority of his life begins to crumble. The fight between the two most influential figures in his life, Miss Havisham and Estella, marks the beginning of the end for Pip.

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